
Data Empowered Climate Collectives

Enter the map

A map that combines climate activism and satellite data

Discover #decarbnow map: where activism meets location. With libmap, we tag and visualize social media messages. libmap is a web application designed for open online journalism, enabling us to tag and visualize social media messages based on their location. On this map, other digital climate activists can register and pinpoint polluters. This can be done with the use of Mastodon (instance: mastodon.social).

Pinpointing Pollution

Pollutant emissions need to be reduced drastically. We offer a map where digital climate activists can directly engage in pollution-tracking. #decarbnow builds a community-driven platform that pinpoints emission hotspots.

Empowering Action

Climate-initatives should be powered by democratic technology and trustworthy data. Our map visualizes pollution hotspots based on data from several sources like NASA, ESA, WRI, and EEA. #decarbnow empowers both climate-science and climate-action in one interactive map.

Accelerating Transition

For a sustainable society we need to accelerate collective transition. By making climate initiatives visible, we strive for public participation in systemic change. #decarbnow promotes discussions on the necessary economic and social reform towards a green future.